

Publication List of Martin Brehm

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— 2 Joint Publications with Dariush Hinderberger —

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The numbers in front of the articles below refer to the full chronological publication list.

42J. Hunold, J. Eisermann, M. Brehm, D. Hinderberger*:
"Characterization of Aqueous Lower Polarity Solvation Shells Around Amphiphilic TEMPO Radicals in Water"
J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124 (39), 8601–8609.     (16 citations,  DOI  10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c04863 ) ⭳Bib
33U. Cerajewski, J. Träger, S. Henkel, A. H. Roos, M. Brehm, D. Hinderberger*:
"Nanoscopic Structures and Molecular Interactions Leading to a Dystectic and two Eutectic Points in [EMIm][Cl] / Urea Mixtures"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 29591–29600.     (15 citations,  DOI  10.1039/C8CP04912B ) ⭳Bib
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